Preschool Quantitative Experience and Parents' Awareness Basic Learning for Young Children Supporting Elementary School Mathematics
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- 就学前の数量体験と親の意識 ̶ 小学校算数を支える幼児の基盤的学びについて ̶
- 就学前の数量体験と親の意識 : 小学校算数を支える幼児の基盤的学びについて
- シュウガク マエ ノ スウリョウ タイケン ト オヤ ノ イシキ : ショウガッコウ サンスウ オ ササエル ヨウジ ノ キバンテキ マナビ ニ ツイテ
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This paper investigates and analyzes the extent to which arithmetic learning is related to elementary school arithmetic content in the preschool environment and parents' awareness. As a result of a questionnaire survey of large-scale kindergartens in ordinance-designated cities, free play in kindergartens was more common in the order of number, counting, and shape. It was found that activities related to arithmetic, such as dividing into equal parts and observing differences, were not often seen at home, and free play did not occur naturally, requiring intervention from a childcare worker. In addition, parents' awareness of preschool arithmetic education was set as a variable, and factor analysis revealed a three-factor structure: "arithmetic matters that parents are aware of," "arithmetic skills that parents are aware of," and "their children's awareness of early learning."
- 千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 (20), 33-42, 2024-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390862632717321984
- NII Book ID
- AA12694310
- 2189034X
- 033440335
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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