Forest survey data of preserved forests and model forests in Ashoro Research Forest, Kyushu University

  • INOUE Sachiko
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • OGATA Taketo
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • YAMAUCHI Kohei
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • MURATA Shusuke
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • NAKAMURA Takuma
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • NANKI Daisuke
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • KAJI Kiyohiro
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • KUBOTA Katsuyoshi
    University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • SASAKI Hirokazu
    Kyushu University Forest, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University/Retired
  • TASHIRO Naoaki
    Division of Forest Environmental Science, Department of Agro-environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

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  • 九州大学北海道演習林における学術参考保護林および見本林の森林調査データ
  • キュウシュウ ダイガク ホッカイドウ エンシュウリン ニ オケル ガクジュツ サンコウ ホゴリン オヨビ ミホンリン ノ シンリン チョウサ データ

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In Ashoro Research Forest, Kyushu University, the preserved forests have been established to protect the natural forests with distinctive forest structure while the model forests have been established to monitor the growth of planted trees. In these forests, we established permanent sample plots and have been continuing forest survey since 2015. Here, we report the data of the forest survey between 2015 and 2023 for 9 sites of the preserved forests and 4 sites of the model forests.


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