Summary information of the Geo-disaster in the Echigo Plain induced by 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake


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  • 令和6年能登半島地震によって生じた越後平野における地盤災害


<p>2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake caused ground damage in the Echigo Plain. Building damage was concentrated in the Nishi Ward of Niigata City. This paper presents the results of a survey and investigation from a geographical perspective into the factors causing ground disasters in the Nishi Ward of Niigata City.</p><p> The ground disasters that occurred in the Nishi Ward of Niigata City can be divided into two types. (1) Ground failure disasters caused by the downward sliding of dune components due to earthquake shaking. (2) Disasters caused by liquefaction of the ground in flood plains caused by earthquake shaking.</p>


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    • JaLC
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