連体修飾マーカー“之”の韻律的特徴 : 改良的文言における日化現象の視野から

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • Prosodic Features of the Attributive Marker “之Zhi” : From the Perspective of Japanization in the Improved Classical Chinese



This paper shows that there is still a lack of research on the Indo- Europeanization of the Classical Chinese through language contact, and there is room for deepening the analysis of the Japanization of the grammar. In addition, considering the sentences in the Qingyibao cited by Keishuu Sanetou as examples, it is considered that the Japanese translations in the Meiji period influenced the style of modern Chinese to some extent, which is represented by the improved classical Chinese style. This paper compares the number of syllables of the central word connected to the attributive marker “之Zhi” in the Jia Ren Qi Yu and Xin Min Shuo with “zhi” in modern Chinese and classical Chinese. The Chinese-style sentences represented by Kajin no Kigu written by Sanshi Tokai (Shiro Shiba) influenced the improved classical Chinese. We concluded that, although it was an indirect influence of Japanese loanwords, it disrupted the prosody of the central word in the attributive phrase of “之Zhi”.


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