SUS304 ステンレス鋼における加工誘起マルテンサイト生成量と引張延性のひずみ速度依存性

  • 徳永 隼人
    電力中央研究所 エネルギートランスフォーメーション研究本部 材料科学研究部門
  • 野本 明義
    電力中央研究所 エネルギートランスフォーメーション研究本部 材料科学研究部門
  • 熊谷 知久
    電力中央研究所 エネルギートランスフォーメーション研究本部 材料科学研究部門
  • 山田 浩之
    防衛大学校 機械工学科


  • Strain Rate Dependence of Strain-Induced Martensitic Formation and Tensile Ductility in SUS304 Stainless Steel


<p>We investigated martensitic (α') phase distribution in tensile-deformed SUS304 stainless steel by X-ray diffraction examination at the strain rate from 7.1×10-4 /s to 9×102 /s. The elongation decreased with increasing the strain rate at the strain rate below 7.1×10-1 /s and it was almost constant beyond the strain rate. On the other hand, the reduction of area was almost constant at the strain rate below 7.1×10-1 /s and it gradually decreased with increasing the strain rate. The amount of α' phase (Vα') tended to decrease with increasing the strain rate, and it increased with decreasing the distance from a fractured face. The true strain is calculated from the cross-sectional reduction. The relationship between the true strain and Vα' is described using the Angel's equation, and the α' phase distribution is predicted from the true strain distribution. The Vα' of the total specimen (Vα',tot) and the Vα' around the fractured face (Vα',frac) are calculated from the α' phase distribution. The strain rate dependence of elongation correspond with the strain rate dependence of Vα',tot. The reduction of area tend to decrease with increasing strain rate above 7.1×10-1 /s when the decrease in the Vα',frac was observed.</p>


  • 材料

    材料 73 (4), 314-319, 2024-04-15

    公益社団法人 日本材料学会

参考文献 (6)*注記


詳細情報 詳細情報について

