高等専門学校生の進路意識形成に在学中の国際経験が如何に寄与しているのか? : 相関分析・階層的重回帰分析・多項ロジスティック回帰分析・対応分析を用いた分析

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス
  • 陣内 未来
    九州大学大学院人間環境学府教育システム専攻 : 修士課程
  • 田原 浩章
    九州大学大学院人間環境学府行動システム専攻 : 博士後期課程
  • 徳永 真直
    九州大学大学院人間環境学府教育システム専攻 : 元 修士課程
  • 川越 裕太郎
    九州大学大学院人間環境学府行動システム専攻 : 元 修士課程
  • 日高 良和
    宇部工業高等専門学校電気工学科 : 嘱託教授
  • 中野 陽一
    宇部工業高等専門学校物質工学科 : 教授
  • 岩熊 美奈子
    都城工業高等専門学校物質工学科 : 教授
  • 伊藤 崇達
    九州大学人間環境学研究院人間科学部門心理学講座 : 准教授
  • 木村 拓也
    九州大学人間環境学研究院教育学部門教育社会計画学講座 : 教授


  • How Does International Experience While in School Contribute to the Formation of Career Attitudes of KOSEN Students?: An Analysis Using Correlation Analysis, Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis, Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis, and Correspondence Analysis
  • コウトウ センモン ガクコウセイ ノ シンロ イシキ ケイセイ ニ ザイガク チュウ ノ コクサイ ケイケン ガ イカニ キヨ シテ イル ノ カ? : ソウカン ブンセキ ・ カイソウテキジュウ カイキ ブンセキ ・ タコウ ロジスティック カイキ ブンセキ ・ タイオウ ブンセキ オ モチイタ ブンセキ



In this study, considering the recent expansion of international exchange at KOSEN (National Institute of Technology in Japan), we examined how students’ international exchange experiences affect their career readiness and career path formation through various multivariate analysis methods. First, the results of the correlation analysis suggest that the internationalization of KOSEN may broaden students’ perspectives. Second, the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis suggest that identification motivation and international exchange experiences in KOSEN contribute to the enhancement of students’ career readiness. Third, the findings of the multinomial logistic regression analysis suggest that identification motivation may encourage students to enter the advanced course of KOSEN. Fourth, the results of the correspondence analysis for the open-ended questions indicate that students who were strongly impressed by applied research and club activities such as “robotics” and “electric power” tended to prefer employment. Students who had strong impressions of school-assigned activities such as “report writing,” “electromagnetism,” “physics research,” “basic engineering,” and “community involvement” tended to choose an advanced course in KOSEN. Students who had strong impressions of “group work-type education,” “participating in competitions,” and other activities that emphasized independence tended to prefer going to university. In summary, contrary to the traditional image of a KOSEN as a place for practical education and the immediate cultivation of human resources for industry, students in recent years have chosen diverse career paths. This is influenced by the various educational and research activities offered by KOSEN, such as group work style teaching, short-term overseas study, and joint research with companies. It can be said that the KOSEN education provides an environment where students can envision various career paths. In addition, it can be seen that students’ career choices, such as whether to go on to a university, to an advanced course in KOSEN, or to employment, are influenced by the various “studies at a KOSEN” themselves. In this statistical study, it is interesting to note that even after controlling for gender, grade, and motivation, the overall career awareness is still influenced by the experience of international exchange within the KOSEN. This kind of fostering of career awareness may support the success of KOSEN students in the world after graduation.




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