

  • Japanese mythology in space and time -Himuka part
  • ニホン シンワ ノ クウカン ト ジカン : ヒュウガ ヘン



In this paper, I examine representative stories of Himuka mythology mainly in the Kojiki to place them at intersectional points of space and time, and really to decipher the mythical stories in Himuka.  Ninigi-no-mikoto, the Sun-Goddess Amaterasuʼs grandson, on her order, descended from Heaven (Takama-no-hara) to the sacred mountain Takachiho in Himuka. Then, he moved to the Ata area in Satsuma, where Hayato tribe has resided ; there, he met the beautiful Konohanano-sakuya-hime (Kamu-atatsu-hime), a daughter of Ooyamatsumi-no-kami(God of mountain). She gave birth to three children in burning birthroom. Elder brother Umisachi-hiko (Hayato tribe) worked as fisherman, whereas younger brother Yamasachi-hiko (Imperial tribe) worked as hunter. While Yamasachi-hiko borrowed a fishing hook from his brother, he lost the hook. He was pressed for returning the hook by his brother, therefore he went into sea for the hook. In the palace of Watatsumi-nokami(God of sea) he met Toyotama-hime who was a daughter of Watatsumi, and got married with her. Yamasachi-hiko brought back the fishing hook which Watatsumi found, and gave back this to his brother. Thus Yamasachi-hiko revenged himself on Umisachi-hiko. This story shows that Hayato tribe prostrated itself before Imperial tribe.  Thereafter pregnant Toyotama-hime came to Yamasachi-hiko, and in a cave near sea gave birth in shark figure to a boy baby Ugayafukiaezu-no-mikoto. Thus, Ugayafukiaezu-no-mikoto inherited the blood of Watatsumi through Toyotama-hime, and indirectly inherited the blood of Ooyamatsumi through his mother Konohana-no-sakuya-hime. Ugayafukiaezu-no-mikoto was brought up by Tamayori-hime who was younger sister of Toyotama-hime, and got married with his aunt Tamayori-hime. They had several children, and one of them was called Kamuyamatoiware-hiko, who ascended later the first Emperor Jinmu. By this genealogy of mixed parentage has Imperial tribe gained the divine power of mountain and sea. Therefore Imperial pedigree is not unitary but plural, and the legitimacy of Imperial tribe is supported by such mythical pedigree. Thus Himuka mythology shows that Yamato court was inserting the southern part of Kyusyu(Satsuma and Oosumi), where Hayato tribe has resisted the court, into own territory.


  • 人文研究

    人文研究 (210), 1-33, 2023-12-30


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