

  • The Correspondences of 1290 Basic Kango Verbal Nouns in Three Languages, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean
  • 2ジ カンゴ ドウシ 1290ゴ ノ タイオウ ニ ミル ニッチュウカン3 ゲンゴ ノ イドウ



The three languages of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean share many Kango, words written in Chinese characters. From the multilingual signage that is found throughout Japan today, we can visually check the status of the shared Kango among the three languages.  In this paper, I classify and analyze the correspondences among the three languages of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, focusing on the “Basic Kango Verbal Noun 1290” presented by Yoon(2023a), and I try to quantify the current situation by roughly dividing their agreement and disagreement into seven types.  From the survey, it was found that there is over a 90% match between Japanese and Korean, and Japanese and Chinese have over 70% correspondence. Moreover it became clear that more than 70% of the Verbal Nouns in the three languages correspond to each other. This is a major positive transfer for the learner. In actual situations, different Kango and other expressions may be used, but more than 70% of correspondence will be a reference and advantage for the learning of each language and for contrastive research of those languages.


  • 人文研究

    人文研究 211 23-51, 2024-03-26




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