

  • A Study on the Alien Species as Teaching Materials
  • キョウザイ ト シテ ノ ガイライ セイブツ ノ イチ コウサツ



This study aimed to examine the value of including alien species in educational materials. The curriculum guidelines for elementary, middle, and high schools state that only middle school curricula should deal with alien species. Thus, while middle and high school science textbooks describe alien species, some elementary schools’ living environmental studies and/or science textbooks do not. Furthermore, while classroom practices related to alien species were found to be implemented in schools, the characteristics of such practice are often such that local animals are used as concrete examples. It was further found that these practices are mainly conducted in science classes as a means of deepening students’ understanding of alien species. In classes dealing with alien species, it is believed that classes that engage in problem-solving regarding alien species, rather than simply focusing on the knowledge of alien species, are ideal. Such classes could lead to the achievement of set SDGs and foster the creators of a sustainable society.


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