Economic Growth and “National Systems of Entrepreneurship”

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  • 経済成長と「起業家活動の国民的体系」
  • ケイザイ セイチョウ ト 「 キギョウカ カツドウ ノ コクミンテキ タイケイ 」

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Today’s Japanese economy is in a state of long-term stagnation, having encountered repeated crises since the bursting of the“ bubble” in the early 1990s, and has continued to experience low growth rates. In order to overcome this situation, the promotion of entrepreneurial activities (entrepreneurship) centered on founding a business, starting a new business, starting a business, etc. has been advocated in public and private sector, and much effort are being made in a variety of policy fields. However, the basic issues of such challenges, such as what is entrepreneurial activity in the first place, and why and how entrepreneurial activity enables economic growth, are often treated as self-evident. They have hardly been considered. This paper takes up those issues as its main theme, and as a basic work for that purpose, we requested prior research from research results found in the US journal Small Business Economics and other publications. As a result, we fo-cused on “national systems of entrepreneurship” as a meaningful approach, and through a critical examination of them, we evaluated them as “national systems of entrepreneurship” in the contemporary Japanese economy. We searched for a possible target, confirmed that it was“ a industry/corporate structure in high-growth period”, and looked at the direction of future research about it.


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