Leakage Source Location of Hazardous Chemicals Based on the Improved Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm

  • Chen Zeng-Qiang
    Information Engineering College, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
  • Wang Yi-Meng
    Information Engineering College, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
  • Qi Cong-Cong
    Information Engineering College, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
  • Zheng Shao-Kun
    Information Engineering College, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology



<p>To accurately determine the leakage source location and strength during gas leakage accidents, this study compares the concentration obtained from the diffusion model with that measured by the sensor and proposes an improved gray wolf optimization algorithm for leakage source location. This algorithm introduces two improvement strategies. First, a nonlinear convergence factor is introduced to balance the global and local searches of the algorithm. Second, a reverse learning operation is performed on the three individuals with the worst fitness in the contemporary population. The results showed that the location results based on the improved gray wolf optimization algorithm exhibited high accuracy and stability, could quickly and accurately locate the leakage source, and provided data support for emergency disposal of accidents.</p>


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