Collecting genetic resources and understanding the diversity of insects in subterranean environments -A new genus and species discovered from Okinawa Island, <i>Ryukyuaphaenops pulcherrimus</i>- ―Conservation Research Group for Subterranean Insects―


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  • 地下環境に生息する昆虫類の遺伝資源収集と多様性解明-沖縄本島から発見された新属新種オキナワアシナガメクラチビゴミムシ- ―地下性昆虫保全研究グループ―


<p>In December 2021, an unknown new genus and species of aphaenopsoid Trechini were discovered in Okinawa Island, Japan. In this project, we conducted a taxonomic study of this new species and described and published it as Ryukyuaphaenops pulcherrimus Sugaya, Kakizoe, Ooka, Tamura & Sone, 2023. Additional field surveys and elucidation of genetic population structure were also conducted from the perspective of conservation biology. The collection of DNA samples for phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of Japanese subterranean insects, such as Trechini, has lagged behind significantly due to the difficulty of field surveys. Therefore, in this study, we improved methods for surveying subterranean bait traps and well water to collect DNA samples of Japanese Trechini and other subterranean insects, and conducted field surveys in Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Okinawa. As a result, we succeeded in collecting 25 genera DNA samples out of 32 genera of Trechini from Japan and other subterranean organisms, and proceeded with DNA sequencing. This paper describes the obtained results and future prospects, focusing on the taxonomic results of R. pulcherrimus, which have already been published among the above results.</p>


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