Characteristics of L2 Learners' Use of Adverbial Elements in English and Japanese: Focusing on Verbalization Patterns in Motion Event Descriptions

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  • 副詞的要素の分析から見た日英語学習者の特徴とその要因 : 移動表現における言語化傾向から


It has been pointed out that "thinking for speaking" (Slobin 1996) in L1 influences second language acquisition regarding what is verbalized when describing motion events. This study compares the use of adverbial elements by L1 speakers and learners of Japanese and English based on data obtained from a language production experiment describing motion events, explores the characteristics of each speaker group, and examines the factors that influence their expressions. Analyzing adverbial elements bidirectionally, we found that English speakers tend to describe the manner of motions in greater detail using adverbial elements in both L1 (E-L1) and L2 (J-L2(e)), and that English and Japanese learners have common learners' strategies. The results suggest that the analysis of adverbial elements may lead to further clarification of speakers' conceptualization of events.


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