Gender-based Differences in Healthy Eating Practices and Association with Childhood Dietary Behaviors in Young Adults

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  • 若い世代の健康的な食生活の実践と学童期の食習慣との関連における性差

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<p>  This study examined the association between healthy eating practices and childhood dietary habits in young adults, and the presence of gender-based differences in this association. In this cross-sectional study, 500 Japanese young adults aged 18–29 years completed an online questionnaire comprising items that assessed healthy eating practices and childhood eating habits. Content analysis was used to examine open-ended data. Logistic analysis was performed to examine the association between the prevalence of healthy eating practices and childhood eating habits. In this study, 56.2% of the participants practiced healthy eating. In the content analysis, gender-based differences in the primary eating practices and primary reasons for not adhering were identified. The logistic regression analysis identified gender-based differences to be associated with childhood eating habits and healthy dietary practice, such as "receiving nutrition education" for men and "maintaining a healthy diet" for women. In conclusion, gender-based differences were found in factors related to healthy eating practices among young adults.</p>


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