From Borgmann to Heidegger : Reconsidering Heidegger’s Theory of Technology
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- Other Title
- ボルグマンからハイデガーへ : ハイデガー技術論再考
- ボルグマン カラ ハイデガー エ : ハイデガー ギジュツロン サイコウ
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In this paper, I reconsider Heidegger’s theory of technoloy in the light of Albert Bogmann’s view on technology. In his book, Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life, Borgmann argues that the essence of tehcnology is to make it possible to acquire commodities without the otherwise necessary bodily engagement with the natural world. According to Borgmann, this very engagement, which is to be excluded as unnecessary by technology, is in fact the most worthwhile thing for us to do. However, we cannot simply get rid of technology entirely. Therefore, Borgmann argues, we should live for the sake of those activities that essentially include such a primary engagement with the natural world, e.g., running and fly-fishing, and technology should only serve to make room for such activities. Now, this proposal regarding reform of technology seems to match Heidegger’s theory of technology, considering his positive remark on the role of “thing (Ding)” in gathering people and the natural world and making them confront with each other. However, I argue, this is only a disguise, and what Heidegger really wants us to do is not to regard technology as mere means to devote ourselves to such worthwhile activities in the natural world, but to understand that what promotes the development of technology is the natural world itself(rather than e.g. human ambition), namely, a demand from the natural world, which only human can satisfy.
- 法政哲学
法政哲学 18 1-12, 2022-12-29
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390864092828856192
- NII Book ID
- AA12104417
- 10114/00030894
- 032749188
- 13498088
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- Abstract License Flag
- Allowed