Analysis the time of event and contents of nurse’s turnover intent

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  • 看護師の離職意図の発生時期とその内容の分析
  • カンゴシ ノ リショク イト ノ ハッセイ ジキ ト ソノ ナイヨウ ノ ブンセキ

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the time of occurrence and the effects of events related to female nurses' intention to leave the job, and to use them as materials for examining measures to prevent turnover. The subjects were 22 full-time female nurses working at Hospital B in A prefecture. The subject was asked for responding the questionnaires and oral interview about the event which they had experienced during their nursing experience. The contents of the question include the time of occurrence of the event, the content, the degree of impact, and mentor. As a result of the analysis, the occurrence of events was experienced by more than half of the people less than one year after hiring regardless of the years of experience, and most of them experienced the event repeatedly thereafter. It was inferred that the relation between event contents and years of experience changed from emotional reactions showing psychologically unstable situations less than 1 year after adoption to analytical reactions that were self-sustained. It was speculated that mentors who were less than 5 years after hiring was the same grade and colleagues, and this was a control factor. It was suggested that concerning, need to be considered into account for prevention of turnover, it was necessary to take measures that focused on the external environment and internal reactions. 本研究の目的は,女性看護師の離職意図に関連した出来事についてその時期と離職意図への影響について分析し,離職防止対策を検討するための資料とすることにある.対象はA県内B病院に勤務する常勤の女性看護師22名で,質問紙調査と回答内容を聞き取るためのインタビュー調査を行った.質問内容は,イベント(仕事を続けることが困難で辞めようかと考えた出来事)の発生時期,内容,イベントによるインパクトの強さ,相談相手などである.分析の結果,イベント発生は,経験年数に関係なく採用後1年未満に半数以上の者が経験し,大半は,その後も繰り返し,イベントを経験していた.イベント発生時期と内容の関連では,心理的に不安定な状況を示す情動反応から自立した分析的な反応へと変化がみられた.採用後5年未満の相談相手は,同期・同僚が最も多く,離職の抑制要因であると推測された.離職防止には,経験年数を考慮し,労働環境と個人のキャリア段階に注視した対応が必要であることが示唆された.


  • 三重看護学誌

    三重看護学誌 22 31-40, 2020-03-31


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