An annual report 2015 on campus wide Faculty Development programs at The University of Tokushima

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  • 2015年度徳島大学FD推進プログラムの実施報告
  • 2015ネンド トクシマ ダイガク FD スイシン プログラム ノ ジッシ ホウコク

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Tokushima University’s FD promotion programs have started since 2002, promoting systematization, organization and routinization of Faculty Development. In 2015, in addition to the previous FD promotion programs, we have aimed to enhance the quality of higher education of our university, supporting effective implementation of Ministry of Education’s AP (=Acceleration Program for University Education Rebuilding) & building new educational system “Numbering System” for the assurance of higher education. Concretely, we carried out 3 programs; 1) educational innovation FD, 2) educational development FD, 3) comprehensive FD. As to each program, we showed their outlines and considered their results and problems shown from the questionnaire to their attendants.


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