
  • An introduction to forensic geology
  • ホウ チシツガク ニュウモン



<p>This note provides basic knowledge on forensic geology and forensic science, which is an application of science that contributes to solving crimes. Forensic geology is part of forensic sciences, which applies knowledge of geology and its associated sciences to forensic investigation. The history of forensic geology exceeds 100 years in Europe, and it was introduced in Japan soon after World War II. Forensic geology comprises three categories: ground search for burial sites, crime scene investigation, and examination of geological trace evidence. The majority of geological trace evidence comes from soil samples. Discrimination between soil evidence adhered to items and control samples from the crime scene is performed using observations and subsequent analyses. Law enforcement processes often require smaller quantities and well-established, rapid, non-destructive analysis methods for forensic samples, which differ from traditional geologic investigations. With the recent introduction of the lay judge system in Japan, people may have increasing opportunities to see geological evidence presented in court. Unfortunately, there are few forensic geologists in Japan, and thus there are limited opportunities to learn forensic science. Increasing education opportunities at universities and high schools, and promoting forensic geology at academic meetings are essential to advances in forensic geology.</p>


  • 地質学雑誌

    地質学雑誌 126 (8), 407-410, 2020-08-15

    一般社団法人 日本地質学会

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