Analysis of the Effectiveness of the “Reduce Food Waste by Organizing Your Fridge” Campaign Using a Waste Composition Analysis


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  • ごみ組成調査を用いた「冷蔵庫整理で食品ロス削減キャンペーン」の効果分析


<p>In this study, we implemented the“Reduce Food Waste by Organizing Your Fridge”Campaign which encouraged three target behaviours; “Use food which is soon spoiled first”, “Put food that need to be used up soon at eye level of the fridge”, “Check your fridge before you shop”, in collaboration with Seika-cho, Kyoto Prefecture. In this campaign, we provided media publicity to all town residents, including distribution of brochures to all households. We also conducted a door-to-door survey for all households in a model districts, with explaining this campaign and distributing clips with magnets to prompt target behaviours. Based on the waste collection amount and waste composition before and after the campaign in the model districts, we estimated about 30% reduction of food waste. However, no clear reduction in food waste was observed in other areas. Establishment and implementation of a more accurate method for estimating the reduction effect, verification of the sustainability of the reduction effect in the model district, and examining policies for expanding the results of the model districts, are future challenges.</p>


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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