A Case Report on Abortion Caused by <i>Salmonella enterica</i> Serotype Dublin Infection with Lesions on the Fetus

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  • <i>Salmonella enterica</i> serovar Dublinによる胎子の病変形成を伴う流産事例
  • Salmonella enterica serovar Dublinによる胎子の病変形成を伴う流産事例
  • Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin ニ ヨル タイコ ノ ビョウヘン ケイセイ オ トモナウ リュウザン ジレイ

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<p>A Japanese black cow aborted at the age of 270 days in October 2019. Necropsy showed edema and fibrin exudation in the thoracic cavity and white spotting in the liver. In the bacteriological examination, Salmonella enterica serotype Dublin (S. enterica Dublin) was isolated from the major fetal organs. Histopathological examination showed aspiration pneumonia and paratyphoid nodules in the liver with gram-negative bacilli accumulation. In the immunohistochemical examination, S. enterica Dublin antigen was detected, corresponding to gram-negative bacilli. These results suggest the abortion occurred from S. enterica Dublin. To our knowledge, there are many reports about abortion caused by S. enterica Dublin, but few about lesions on aborted fetal organs. In this case, observed paratyphoid nodules in the liver produced by S. enterica Dublin and these findings suggest specific pathogenesis on fetal organs caused by S. enterica Dublin.</p>



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