A Study of the Occupational Consciousness of Newly Registered Students at KOSEN (NIT) of Merchant Ships

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  • 商船系高等専門学校における入学者の職業意識


<p>A survey of newly registered students at KOSEN (National Institute of Technology, NIT) of merchant ships from the academic year 2016 to 2018 was conducted to determine their occupational consciousness. The results showed that 89.4% of the respondents had a job that they were aspiring for their future, with 78.0% aspiring to be seafarers. This is an indication that newly registered students have clear targets before entering the KOSEN (NIT) of merchant ships. The survey respondents with high self-efficacy regarding career decision-making had a clear idea of the occupation they intend making a career out of. The results also showed that the self-efficacy score in relation to career decision-making of the respondents from the KOSEN (NIT) of merchant ships is higher than that of newly registered students of fisheries university and fisheries high schools.</p>



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