Characteristic associations between bone turnover markers (BAP and TRACP-5b)and bone density among pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases.
- Shimizu Akihiko
- Department of Pediatrics, Kameda Medical Center
- Hisa Kaori
- 神奈川県立こども医療センター感染免疫科
- Nomura Shigeru
- 神奈川県立こども医療センター感染免疫科
- Shikama Yoshiaki
- 神奈川県立こども医療センター感染免疫科
- Imagawa Tomoyuki
- 神奈川県立こども医療センター感染免疫科
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 小児リウマチ性疾患における骨代謝マーカー(骨型アルカリフォスファターゼ:BAP・酒石酸抵抗性酸性フォスファターゼ:TRACP-5b)の特徴
- ショウニ リウマチセイ シッカン ニ オケル ホネ タイシャ マーカー(ホネガタ アルカリフォスファターゼ : BAP ・ シュセキサン テイコウセイ サンセイ フォスファターゼ : TRACP-5b)ノ トクチョウ
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This study aimed to establish the characteristics of bone markers among pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases. We examined correlations between bone markers and bone mineral density(BMD, and evaluated the effect of glucocorticoid(GC)on their bone metabolism.58 %of the patients presented elevated bone resorption marker(TRACP-5b, and only 8 % of them presented low bone formation marker (BAP),which indicates their bone resorption is increased and formation is not suppressed. Although patients with GC therapy have Lower BMD, their bone markers are not significantly different from those without GC therapy. In addition to GC treatment, inflammatory cytokines and reduced physical activity also appear to contribute to the bone fragility. Considering pathophysiology of these patients. bisphosphonates are good candidates to prevent GC-induced osteoporosis. In conclusion, we have shown two unique aspects of bone metabolism of our patients. One is that the bone resorption is increased in more than half of the cases. The other is that the patients with GC therapy have lower BMD, but their bone markers are not significantly different from those without GC therapy. We need to collect more follow-up data to establish a basis to start bisphosphonates and to evaluate the effect of them.
- The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Rheumatology
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Rheumatology 6 (1), 28-32, 2015
Pediatric Rheumatology Association of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1391412881266994816
- NII Article ID
- 130007956755
- NII Book ID
- AA12708652
- 2434608X
- 24351105
- 027448548
- Text Lang
- ja
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