Fundamental study on large strain liquefaction behavior for numerical analysis

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  • 液状化時の大ひずみ領域の挙動を考慮した数値解析のための基礎的研究
  • エキジョウカジ ノ ダイヒズミ リョウイキ ノ キョドウ オ コウリョ シタ スウチ カイセキ ノ タメ ノ キソテキ ケンキュウ

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<p>Numerical simulations were carried out as a fundamental study on large strain liquefaction behavior based on the results of previous large-strain liquefaction tests up to γsa=60%. As a result, it was not possible to simulate the results of the previous large-strain liquefaction tests by using a parameter of initial φf. However, it was successful in simulating the large-strain behavior by using an observed φf after the strain localization in the experiments. Future issues include the development of a method to evaluate the continuous decrease in the φf due to accumulated cyclic shear strain during the liquefaction process, confirmation of the rate of decrease in the φf for various materials, and applicability of the method to two-dimensional FEM analysis.</p>



    SEISAN KENKYU 72 (6), 423-426, 2020-11-01

    Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo

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