Study on the “Third Place” of Working Women

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Other Title
  • 働く女性の居場所に関する研究
  • Typification and Model Analysis Based on Web Questionnaire Survey in Urban Areas
  • 一都三県Webアンケート調査に基づく類型化およびモデル分析


<p>This study aims to understand the actual conditions of usage behavior and daily living behavior of women in their third place. We investigate the third place and usage behavior of working women in urban areas, analyzing the relationship between user attributes of the third places and usage behavior and classifying the third places. Additionally, a model analysis of working women’s use of time is conducted. We confirmed the difference in usage behavior at the third place due to differences in individual attributes such as the years of use of the same place being longer if they lived in the same place. It was confirmed that the time spent communicating with children and time spent on housework were closely related.</p>


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