
  • 木下 晃紀
    介護老人保健施設第二さくら苑 榊原白鳳病院 リハビリテーション臨床研究部
  • 木村 勇太
    介護老人保健施設さくら苑 榊原白鳳病院 リハビリテーション臨床研究部
  • 三好 加奈子
    榊原白鳳病院 リハビリテーション科 榊原白鳳病院 リハビリテーション臨床研究部
  • 山本 吉則
    榊原白鳳病院 リハビリテーション科 榊原白鳳病院 リハビリテーション臨床研究部
  • 嘉戸 直樹
    神戸リハビリテーション福祉専門学校 理学療法学科
  • 鈴木 俊明
    関西医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科


  • A patient with left hemiparesis due to stroke who had food leftovers on the left side of the mouth during eating
  • ショクジ ドウサ ニテ ヒダリガワ ニ タベ ノコシ オ ミトメタ ノウコウソク サ ヘンマヒ ノ イチ ショウレイ



<p>We performed physical therapy for a patient with left hemiparesis due to stroke who had food leftovers on the left side of the mouth during eating. In the sitting position, the patient’s pelvis was tilted backward and rotated left, and there was a left depression, which was restrained owing to hypotonia of the left gluteus maximus muscle. The patient’s body was bent toward the right, which made turning the face to the left side difficult during mealtimes. After physiotherapy for lowering the muscle tone of the left gluteus maximus and restricting the range of motion of the thoracolumbar right-side flexion, the pelvic back tilt, left rotation, lower left restraint, and left trunk flexion were reduced in the sitting position. The patient could now turn the face to the left side, and the amount of food leftovers on the left side of the mouth during mealtimes decreased.</p>


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