- CHEN Wanchun
- Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences National Laboratory of Microgravity, Chinese Academic of Sciences
- LIU Daodan
- Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences National Laboratory of Microgravity, Chinese Academic of Sciences
- DANG Jiangtao
- National Laboratory of Microgravity, Chinese Academic of Sciences
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A new generation facility on crystal growth from low temperature (NGFCG) solution has been developed. The main objective for manufacturing the NGFCG is to develop the multi-function experimental facilities for fundamental study of crystal growth and to grow larger single crystal through long duration experiments under the earth and in space. NGFCG consists of the eight subsystems: the crystal growth cell; the solution heating; the solution transportation; the optical observation on in-situ and real time; the operation panel; the electric control; the temperature measurement and control; the data and image recording and processing subsystem. The breadboard model of NGFCG has been used to diagnose the fluid flow and the concentration fields near the solid/liquid interface during the crystal growth and dissolution processes of α-LiIO3, NaClO3, Ba(N0)2 and Sr(NO)2 crystals. This paper will report our experimental results. The topics are focused on the crystal growth and crystal morphology as well as interfacial phenomena. The research results indicated that (1) the solid/liquid boundary layer characteristic of crystallization is dependent on the crystal faces; (2) the solid/liquid boundary layer thickness during crystal growth and dissolution is much different; (3) the temperature turbulence in the supersaturated solution has strongly influenced on the solid/solution stability.
- Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application
Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application 24 (1), 15-, 2007-01-31
The Japan Society of Microgravity Application
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1391694356260820992
- NII Article ID
- 130007972088
- 40015304864
- NII Book ID
- AN10537663
- 8675990
- 09153616
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles
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