The currellt state of methotrexate therapy for juvenile idiopathic arthritis in Japan - The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan.

  • Shimizu Masaki
    Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Institute of Medical Pharmaceutical, and Health Science, Kanazawa University The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Umebayashi Hiroaki
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • lnoue Yuzaburo
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Kasai Kazuko
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Kaneko Utako
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Kikuchi Masako
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Kizawa Toshitaka
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Kitagawa Yoshiro
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Kubota Tomohiro
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Suzuki Kazuo
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Nakagishi Yasuo
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Hashimoto Kunio
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Hara Ryoki
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Yasumura Junko
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan
  • Yamazaki Yuichi
    The study group of senior pediatric rheumatologists in Japan

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Other Title
  • 若年性特発性関節炎に対するメトトレキサート治療の現状ー中堅小児リウマチ医の会におけるアンケート調査
  • ジャクネンセイ トクハツセイ カンセツエン ニ タイスル メトトレキサート チリョウ ノ ゲンジョウ : チュウケン ショウニ リウマチイ ノ カイ ニ オケル アンケート チョウサ

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Low dose weekly methotrexate(MTX)is one of the most effective drugs in the treatment for juvenile idiopathic arthritis(JIA).The purpose of the present study was to investigate the current state of MTX therapy for JIA ill Japan. A questionnaire was sent to 15 pediatricians including l2 pediatric rheumatologists in Japan. It was the most common method that starting  weekly dose was 6mg/m2 and dosage was increased to 10mg/m2 by 2mg/m2 every l - 2 weeks. Folate supplement was variably performed. Abdominal discomfort and nausea were frequently observed. The assessment of efficacy was performed after three months of treatment. The criteria for withdrawal or discontinuation of MTX therapy were variable. These results revealed that there was still a significant variation of MTX treatment among institutes in Japan. Toward the establishment of all appropriate MTX therapy,a national wide population based study is desired.


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