Foraging strategy of nocturnal orb-web spiders (Araneidae: Neoscona) with special reference to the possibility of beetle specialization by N. punctigera

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  • Foraging strategy of nocturnal orb web spiders Araneidae Neoscona with special reference to the possibility of beetle specialization by N punctigera
  • 夜行性の円網グモ(コガネグモ科ヒメオニグモ属)の採餌戦略--とくにコゲチャオニグモにおける甲虫への採餌特化の可能性

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  • Acta arachnologica

    Acta arachnologica 54 (1), 13-19, 2005-07

    熊本 : 日本蜘蛛学会


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