Communal Living as a Form of Support from the Perspective of Young People Who Have Experienced “Hikikomori”: From the Analysis of User Interviews

  • OKABE Akane

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  • 「ひきこもり」経験をもつ若者からみる支援として提供される共同生活の影響――共同生活型支援利用者へのインタビュー調査分析――
  • 「 ヒキコモリ 」 ケイケン オ モツ ワカモノ カラ ミル シエン ト シテ テイキョウ サレル キョウドウ セイカツ ノ エイキョウ : キョウドウ セイカツガタ シエン リヨウシャ エ ノ インタビュー チョウサ ブンセキ

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<p>Although communal living, as a form of support for people experiencing “Hikikomori”, is not a widespread practice, some grassroots organizations have utilized this approach. In this regard, multiple facets of the practice’s efficacy have been highlighted such as its ability to improve the daily rhythm of participants and to facilitate the rebuilding of parent–child relationships. However, few reports based on the perspective of those involved are available. Thus, we conducted a series of interviews with a sample of young people who have experienced “Hikikomori” and utilized support through communal living. Based on the findings, relationships were formed by those living together, which provided the necessary support for the inhabitants. In addition, his provides the support provided to residents and communal living as support is evident in a system that enables “leaving” with the support of an alternative community to the family and local community in which they have lived in. Finally, this paper shows that there is room for reconsideration with regard to improving the rhythm of daily life, which has been pointed out in the past.</p>


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