

  • The possibilities of the citizens' deliberation in community development (2) - A case study on the "Shimin-Togikai" in Chigasaki city
  • マチズクリ ニ オケル シミン ノ トウギ ノ カノウセイ(2)チガサキシ シミン トウギカイ オ ジレイ ニ



This article is the second report on the "Shimin-Togikai" in Chigasaki city, which is dealing with next points; A) to describe the significant features on Citizens' Deliberation in Chigasaki city and B) to argue the meaning on Citizens' Deliberation for citizens and local governments. This is a tentative analysis on Citizens' Deliberation in Chigasaki city through the experiences on planning and managing the deliberation in 2023. The "Shimin-Togikai" has already become an annual event in Chigasaki City, and we were able to hold it successfully in 2023 as well. 27 citizens had got together in Chigasaki municipality office and discussed on Chigasaki's current policy on "Cultural and Lifelong Learning plan". It was very fortunate that the participants were able to gather together again this year and have face-to-face discussions. All the participants spoke passionately about the given theme. The Citizens' Deliberation is attracting worldwide attention as an "another" way to express opinions, separate from individual opinions and aggregated results from questionnaires. That is why the local government can compare the "discussed opinions" with individual opinions and survey results, and consider what commonalities and differences exist. In this way, the discussed opinion of the citizens will be connected in many ways for a better plans or policies for Chigasaki City. This is not only having the hints for continuing the Citizens' Deliberation itself, but also refining the importance and possibilities of the deliberation. Then, we will be able to think the utilization of the Citizens' Deliberation.


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