動詞の難易度と多義性について : 日本語WordNet上のSynsetに基づく分析

HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Difficulty and Ambiguity of Verbs : Analysis based on Synsets in Japanese WordNet
  • ドウシ ノ ナンイド ト タギセイ ニ ツイテ : ニホンゴ WordNet ジョウ ノ Synset ニ モトズク ブンセキ



When foreign students learn Japanese words, they encounter two types of problems. The first is the difficulty of the word itself. The second problem is related to the situation which it is used. The meaning of the word may differ as the situation changes. It is necessary to understand the ambiguity of the word. In this paper, we propose three simple formulas representing ambiguity of words based on Synset structure in Japanese WordNet. Then we analyze the relationship between the ambiguity and the difficulty of Japanese words, particularly verbs. We use vocabulary level of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (old version) as the difficulty measure. The result shows that easy (not difficult) words are more ambiguous than difficult words.

IIAI International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (IIAI AIT 2013) : November 28 - 30, 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia : HOTEL ARYADUTA JAKARTA


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