Video assessment and evaluation: an effective educational training tool for the purpose of developing quality physical education programs
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- Other Title
- Video assessment and evaluation an effective educational training tool for the purpose of developing quality physical education programs
- ビデオ・アセスメントとエヴァリュエーション--良質な保健体育授業づくりを目的とした効果的かつ教育的な教師の養成教材
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記事種別: 翻訳
- 埼玉体育スポーツ科学 = Saitama journal of physical education, health and sciences
埼玉体育スポーツ科学 = Saitama journal of physical education, health and sciences 3 1-3, 2007-11
さいたま : 埼玉県体育学会
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1520291853532196224
- NII Article ID
- 40017057915
- 40017057916
- NII Book ID
- AA12799829
- 18802583
- Text Lang
- en
- NDL Source Classification
- ZF21(教育--体育)
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles