The Massacre in Amboyna: An Old-Spelling Edition of The English East India Company's A True Relation of the Unjust, Cruell, and Barbarous Proceedings against the English at Amboyna in the East-Indies, by the Netherlandish Governour and Councel there (London: H. Lownes for Nathaniel Newberry, 1624), Part2 and Part3

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Other Title
  • Massacre in Amboyna An Old Spelling Edition of The English East India Company s A True Relation of the Unjust Cruell and Barbarous Proceedings against the English at Amboyna in the East Indies by the Netherlandish Governour and Councel there London H Lownes for Nathaniel Newberry 1624 Part2 and Part3
  • 翻刻『アンボイナ事件』(1624年版)第二部及び第三部--イギリス東インド会社の興亡(1の2)

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