A New Species of land Snail of the Genus Mandarina(Gastropoda:Pulmonata)from Hahajima of the Bonin Island,Western Pacific:a Species that became extinct after 2000 yr B.P
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- Other Title
- New Species of land Snail of the Genus Mandarina Gastropoda Pulmonata from Hahajima of the Bonin Island Western Pacific a Species that became extinct after 2000 yr B.P
- 小笠原諸島母島における化石陸貝類カタマイマイ属の1新種とその絶滅
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- Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series C, Geology & Paleontology
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series C, Geology & Paleontology 25 (3・4), 121-127, 1999-12
Tokyo : National Science Museum
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1522262179837182464
- NII Article ID
- 110004313621
- NII Book ID
- AA10509611
- 0385244X
- 4965467
- Text Lang
- en
- NDL Source Classification
- ZM49(科学技術--地球科学--地質)
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles