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  • 撫順炭より製鐵用骸炭を製造するまで(大正一五年五月八日燃料協會第四一囘例會講演)

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Fushun coal, a coal of tertiary formation, has very feeble coking power, and it was believed to be totally unfit for working in any coke oven. With a view to obtain blast furnace coke from this coal, the author undertook a series of technical as well as laboratory experiments, and finally his efforts were most successful. Good blast furnace coke was produced by operating the ordinary coke ovens in a manner specially adapted for that coal, and at the present time two blast furnaces each with an output of 350-tons at Anshan, are fed with this coke. The author briefly states the results of his experiments since the year 1909, and gives particulars of the behaviour of Fushun coal as to carbonization, viz- : The caking power of Fushun coal increases as its nitrogen content increases. The best coking effect can only be obtained by heating the coal as quickly as possible to 450℃. before any carbonization takes place below that temperature. Coal which has remained any length of time at lower temperatures, and has partially carbonized at those temperatures, looses its caking power. The mixing of binding material, such as good caking coal, tar or pitch, does not help the caking of Fushun coal unless it is carbonized at that condition where Fushun coal alone cakes together. The addition of good caking coal of carboniferous formation is, however, favourable to get good blast furnace coke. It increases the yield of coke and also gives the cake of larger size. The effect of weathering upon the coal is very remarkable; the coal left to weather for a few months gives sometimes only coke breeze. The author also describes many interesting events which occurred during his studies and experiments from the inception in 1909 up to the present.


  • 燃料協會誌

    燃料協會誌 6 (53), 一〇七-一一六,


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