13. Development and Practical Use of Hazard Maps of Tsunami Inundation

  • OKAYAMA,Kazuo
    Earthquake Disaster Countermeasures Division, Disaster Prevention Bureau, National Land Agency
  • NAKATSUJI,Tsuyoshi
    Earthquake Disaster Countermeasures Division, Disaster Prevention Bureau, National Land Agency

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  • 13. 津波浸水予測図の作成とその活用(被害予測と緊急対応 その1)

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The National Land Agency has compiled hazard maps of tsunami inundation for the whole coastlines of Japan for the purpose of for cast ing the inundation areas by tsunamis before tsunamis attack Japan. Hazard maps of tsunami inundation show the area and depth of tsunami inundation. They are used as fundamental data for taking measures for tsunami disasters. By the hazard maps, we can know uhitch facilities(roads, railways and so on) are in dengerous and clarify the problems to he solved for preventing tsunami disasters.


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