STUDIES ON LIPASE:VIII. Milk-esterase and gastric lipase


1. The opitmal temperature of milk-esterase is 37deg;C and the optimal pH is 8.0.<br> 2. The milk-esterase is present in human, horse, hog and dog milk, but in cow and goat milk it exists in inactive state and can be activated by the addition of a small amount of diluted ammonia.<br> 3. The lipolytic action of milk-esterase is strongly inhibited by atoxyl, but not by quinine.<br> 4. The lipolytic action of gastric lipase of man, human embryo, dog and rabbit is very strong, but in other mammals, birds and fishes it is weak.<br> 5. The optimal pH of grastric lipase of rabbit is 7.8.<br> 6. The gastric lipase of rabbit and cat splits tributyrin or methylbutyrate to a higher degree than olive oil.<br> 7. The lipolytic action of gastric lipase in human embryo appears at the seventh or eighth month.


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