Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy of Locobase REPAIR for Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis and Asteatotic Eczema in Children

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  • 小児のアトピー性皮膚炎並びに乾皮症等に起因する皮膚乾燥症状に対するLocobase REPAIRの有用性の検討


Atopic dermatitis (AD) patients in children are recently increasing in many reports. Recently AD has two aspects, allergic aspect and non-allergic one. In the latter, the disrupted barrier function of stratum corneum was pointed out. This dysfunction is induced from a deceased amount of ceramide, a major constituent of the intracellular lipids within the stratum corneum layers. Topical application of ceramide has been reported to recover the disrupted function of the stratum corneum in the patients with AD. In this study, we investigated the clinical evaluation of efficacy of Locobase® REPAIR, hypo irritant skin care cream containing ceramide, cholesterol, and free fatty acid, applied to the skin of patients with AD and asteatotic eczema. Clinical observations of skin appearance for 4 weeks revealed that the application of Locobase® REPAIR had improved the skin symptoms, including scale, dryness, itchy, and erythema, in 90.8%, 90.4%, 82.5%, and 82.1% of the patients respectively. The adverse effects were found in 6.1% of the patients. All cases were trifling matters, and they recovered rapidly after suspension. Its usefulness was found in 86.0% of the patients.<BR>These results indicate the application of Locobase® REPAIR to AD and asteatotic eczema patients as a beneficial moisturizing cream is very effective and safe.


  • Hifu no kagaku

    Hifu no kagaku 3 (3), 306-315, 2004

    Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association/Meeting of Keiji Dermatological Association

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    • CiNii Articles

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