幼稚園教諭養成課程における「生活科」の教授法に関する研究 - 学生の幼児期の自然体験活動に着目して -


  • A Study of teaching method for" Life Environment Studies" on a Training Course of Nursery Teacher - Focusing on the Nature Experiential Activities of childhood -


A purpose of this study is to clarify a teaching method of the home economics in the kindergarten teacher training course and a problem and the improvement of professor contents. Specifically, based on a result of the fact-finding (primary investigation) of the relation experience with nature before the learning of the student, As a result of factfinding, the student knew that nature and the experience about deviated to a kind and the domain of the relation although there was it, and there was it. Therefore, in a class of Living Environment Studies, I let a student experience short experience as an infant position and used a teaching method to let you analyze it from the viewpoint of the childminder. I performed an investigation (second investigation) how the result influenced it when a student recognized a relation with child and nature of the training in training (nursery school). As a result of investigation, there was a thing without the change while recognized activity and object opened.


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