The Relationship between Intake of The Protein and Training

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  • <原報>プロテイン摂取とトレーニングの関係

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the protein powder to the effects of physical training. Female student, who had intake of the protein powder of the recommended volume, practiced physical training in the mid-level intensity. The results were as follows : 1. The skinfold thickness of the arm was reduced apparently and no change was found in the circumference of the arm. In the thorax and abdomen, both the skinfold thikness and the circumference increased. The body weight gained for period of physical training. Both the circumference and the skinfold thickness of the thigh increased. As for the lower leg, little change was found in the circumference and the skinfold thickness. 2. The influence of the protein powder to the effects of physical training was found in the body fat and in the LBM. The body fat was reduced and the LBM increased in the midst period of heavy training. After the protein powder was ceased to have as nutrition during the training period, no change was found in the LBM. 3. The systolic blood pressure after running decreased and the diastolic blood pressure increased under the condition of the present study. The heart rate also varied under the condition. The heart rate decreased before and after running. The recovery time of heart rate was found to be shorter than that before the present experiment.


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