Poetry : The Language of Love in Tale of Genji



This article examines the poetic love presented by waka poetry in the Tale of Genji. Waka poetry comprises the thematic frame of Tale of Genji. It is the language of love. Through observation of metaphors in the waka poems in this article, we can grasp the essence of the poetics of love in the Genji. Unlike the colors of any heroes' and heroines' love in other literary works, Genji's love is poetic multi-color, which makes him a mythopoetic romantic hero in Japanese culture. Love in Heian aristocracy is sketched as consisting of an elaborate code of courtship which is very strict in its rules of communion by poetry. Love is a romantic adventure without compromise and bondage of morality. The love adventure of Genji and other heroes involves not only aesthetic Bildung and political struggle but also poetic production and metaphorical transformation. The acceptance of the lover's poetic courtship creates an artistic and romantic air to the relations between men and women. Love and desire are accompanied by a ritual of elegance, grace and a refined cult of poetic beauty.


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  • データソース種別
    • CiNii Articles

