<Original Article>Thermal Expansion of The Metal
- TACHIHARA Yoshihiro
- 北海道東海大学芸術工学部
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- Other Title
- <論文>金属の熱膨張について
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Metals expand and shrinkage with thermal change. This thermal hesteresis makes material changes. Therefore, all kinds of alloys which have been discovered for the needs of the low thermal expansion alloy in various fields. The cause of this thermal expansion is closely related with a crystal structure and a magetiusum. Many researches have been tried to clear the cause by using various models but not enough. This research aims at a understanding of the thermal expansion and learning measurement skills of it.
- The journal of Hokkaido Tokai University. School of Art and Technology
The journal of Hokkaido Tokai University. School of Art and Technology 12 1-15, 1992-07-30
Hokkaido Tokai University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1573668926572470528
- NII Article ID
- 110000213985
- NII Book ID
- AN00230700
- 02884992
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles