Performance of Affordable Neural Network for Back Propagation Learning

  • UWATE Yoko
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokushima University
  • NISHIO Yoshifumi
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokushima University

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Cell assembly is one of explanations of information processing in the brain, in which an information is represented by a firing space pattern of a group of plural neurons. On the other hand, effectiveness of neural network has been confirmed in pattern recognition, system control, signal processing, and so on, since the back propagation learning was proposed. In this study, we propose a new network structure with affordable neurons in the hidden layer of the feedforward neural network. Computer simulated results show that the proposed network exhibits a good performance for the back propagation learning. Furthermore, we confirm the proposed network has a good generalization ability.


  • IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, A

    IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, A 89 (9), 2374-2380, 2006-09-01

    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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