ニホンウズラに見いだされた致死性突然変異"stumpy limb"の特徴および遺伝分析


  • Stumpy Limb—An Embryonic Lethal Mutation in Japanese Quail (<I>Coturnix coturnix japonica</I>)


An embryonic lethal mutant was found in Japanese quail and named“stumpy limb (SL) ”. All SL embryos died at pre-hatching stages, showing brachycephaly, a thickened neck, short upper and lower beaks, and short and thick extremities, while their body length was similar to that of the normal embryos. Observations on the skeleton revealed a globular skull, unusual curvature of theProcessus palatines maxillarisof the upper beak, and shortening and thickening of the appendicular bones. Some embryos showed a bending of the humerus, femur and/or tibiotarsus. Abnormality was more conspicuous in the leg bones than in the wing bones. No conspicuos differences were observed in the vertebrae between the SL and normal embryos. A genetic analysis suggested that the mutation is controlled by an autosomal recessive gene, for which the gene symbol sl was proposed.


  • Experimental Animals

    Experimental Animals 40 (4), 529-536, 1991

    公益社団法人 日本実験動物学会

