A Report on Aspects of Rligious Art at Andhradesa, South India
- Kaoru NAGATA
- Department of Fine Art, Faculty of Art, Sojo University
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- 南インド・アーンドラ地方の宗教美術の様相について -「なぜ菩薩像が造像されなかったか」を巡って-
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In the second to fourth century A.D., under the Satavahana dynasty, which had advanced southwards from central India, and the succeeding Iksuvaku Dynasty, Buddist Art flurished in Andhradesa in South India. At the same period, under the Kusan dynasty, the Buddha trinity images were executed at Gandhara and Mathura. while at Gandhara region, the Bodhisattva images as attendants flanking the Buddha image were executed without hesitation, at Mathura no Boddhisattva images as attendants were executed at all, and Yaksa images such as vajrapani and padamapani functioned as attendants of Buddha trinity. However at Andhradesa in spite of executing the Buddha images, neither Buddha trinity image nor Boddhisattva had been excecuted under the Satavahana and Iksuvaku dynasties. I have doubted why no bodhisattva images had been excuted at Andhradesa fo far.
- 崇城大学芸術学部研究紀要
崇城大学芸術学部研究紀要 (2), 69-89, 2009-03-01
Sojo University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1574231876790230528
- NII Article ID
- 110008802642
- NII Book ID
- AA12344658
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles