Experimental and clinical studies on a new synthetic estrogen, an allenolic acid derivative, vallestril


Abstract In general, there are few chemical structural characteristics of substances with estrogenic activities, and it has been widely known that even substances with other than steroid structure have marked estrogenic activity and produce physiologic effects similar to those of the natural estrogens. 1 These substances, for clinical use, should show remarkable estrogenic activity without side effects. Studies on the chemistry of stilbene derivatives by Dodds and associates 5 in 1938 have been monumental in the field of synthetic chemistry, and it was highlighted by the synthesis of marrianolic acid, doisynolic acid and derivatives of each, followed by that of estrone. 22–26 Following this, in 1947–1948, Courrier, Horeau and Jacques 2, 3, 4 were able to synthesize allenolic acid, a naphthalene compound derivative, which was studied in detail by Julia. 8 The present report deals with the experimental results of work with 3-(6-methoxy-2-naphthyl)-2-2-dimethyl pentanoic acid, a derivative of allenolic acid, manufactured under the trade name Vallestril.


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