Progressing backwards : Millsian motives and the extraordinarily ordinary racist

Bibliographic Information

Progressing backwards : Millsian motives and the extraordinarily ordinary racist
Other Title
  • 後ろ向きで進む : ミルズの動機の語彙とごく普通のレイシスト
  • ウシロムキ デ ススム : ミルズ ノ ドウキ ノ ゴイ ト ゴク フツウ ノ レイシスト
Gibson, Scott Lyle
Doshisha University
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This project aims to identify and fill gaps in the current literature on conversational manifestations of discrimination, bias, and racism. Utilizing C. Wright Mills's concept of vocabulary of motive bolstered by the postcolonial concept of catachresis, the paper examines utterances by which individuals in society navigate talk surrounding exclusionism, discrimination, and racism. Other researchers have identified this hole in the literature, but their work focuses more on narratives driven by media and political figures. Subjects here are citizens of Iga Ueno, Japan, as they discuss anti- foreign discrimination in their town and American netizens commenting on the Colin Kaepernick controversy.

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