新・学歴重視主義の構図 : 大学卒の定期採用人事の実態についての考察


  • シン ガクレキ ジュウシ シュギ ノ コウズ ダイガクソツ ノ テイキ サイヨ
  • New Pattern of Diplomaism in Post-industrial JAPAN




This study has two distinct though interrelated purposes. The first is to specify the contemporary tendencies of practical interests and/or requirements regarding the regular recruitment on university graduates. In brief, it is to search for the image of the ideal employee in Japanese bussiness world. the second is to present and analyze some existing data with a view to demonstrating the actual state of diplomasim upon the employment of graduates. The data which I utilized are "DAIGAKUBETSU SHŪSHOKUSAKI SHIRABE 1990" which was originally collected for other purposes by the Recruit Circle. My study is one such secondary analysis. It has been pointed out that research concerning seniority, diplomaism and life time employment was basic to an understanding of the Japanese practices of personnel administration. My attention here is focused on diplomaism. According to my analysis of this phenomenon, management tends to intensify diplomaism under the veil of meritocracy. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the employment opportunities for graduates depend on which university they gradudted from rather than on simply the school years. In other words. The chances for getting a job with a big name company are profoundly affected by whether or not the graduate is from the right school. In the conclusion of this analysis, it is pointed out that a new pattern of diplomaism is in the process of developing along with the progress of post-industrialization and the globalization of management.



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