中学校理科の新教科書の研究 : 理科教員養成をめぐる新しい課題の明確化

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  • Study of recent science textbooks for junior high school students : Clarification of new issues for science teachers' training
  • チュウガッコウ リカ ノ シン キョウカショ ノ ケンキュウ : リカ キョウイン ヨウセイ オ メグル アタラシイ カダイ ノ メイカクカ



We study recent science textbooks for students in junior high schools, to clarify new issues for science teachersʼ training. Those books are written according to the new curriculum guidelines revised in 2008, and have been used in schools since 2012. Those books have increased their total numbers of pages as much as 38%, and they explain the contents more comprehensively than before, i.e., they refer to several subjects that had not been included before, e.g. DNA, galaxies, cosmology, safe education in chemistry and so on. As a result, students can learn science easier and more systematically with those books. However, some problems still remain, i.e. the negative aspect of science and technology is not discussed, and the relation between science and society is not written much. Other problems are also discussed.




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