地域おこし協力隊制度を利用した新規就農支援 : 北海道3地域を事例として


  • Support System for New Farmers Using the Local Vitalization Cooperator : A Case Study of Several Municipalities in Hokkaido, Japan
  • チイキオコシ キョウリョクタイ セイド オ リヨウ シタ シンキシュウノウシエン : ホッカイドウ 3 チイキ オ ジレイ ト シテ



In recent years, an increasing number of regions in Hokkaido have been using the Local Vitalization Cooperator to support new farmers. This paper examines how and why the Cooperator system is being used to support new farmers, based on cases in three regions in Hokkaido where there are currently active members. The Local Vitalization Cooperator contributes to support for securing finance, and in combination with other support for securing farmland and technology, these support systems are established to assist new farmers with starting farming. There are five factors that contribute to the use of the Cooperator system as support for new farmers: three advantages for new farmers, and two from the perspective of the supporting actors. The advantages for new farmers are good support for living expenses, low risk of interruption of training, and long training periods. The factors from the perspective of the support actors are that the costs of recruitment and internship are subsidized and that it is possible to provide support more in line with the wishes of those wishing to enter farming.


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